Luigi explains to Mario how to divide 3 by 2. Mario doesn't understand.
The bluejay and racoon from Regular Show slap themselves rhythmically to fend off muggers.
Three wise men decide whether they want to go meet baby Jesus.
A guy with red hair doesn't want to look in the mirror, because then he can no longer pretend he's a snail.
A deer wearing an astronaut's helmet. It has a black censor bar covering his/her private bits.
A confused dog looks out from every side of a box at once. He must have stumbled into the Eighth Realm of Torment.
Dave's friend calls for him, but Dave is hiding. Silly Dave.
A series of scribbles, perhaps from Jackson Pollock's younger years. I think I can see a farmer in one of them. He looks weary.
Corinthians 2:24 - "Parrots are greater than Wayne. So much greater. You don't even know."
The unhatched egg of the demon that shall sing the Last Song and bring about the end of times.
A dog composes a poem for his beloved garden, but it lacks vivid imagery.
Two handsome robots worship a binary star system.