A fresh slice of orange! Looks too perfect to be a 'real' orange - it's probably one of those gummy candies with the sugary crust, so tasty!
Boo wants Sulley to play football! Calls him 'kitty' as she is wont, but Sulley isn't much of a football player.
Broken and bloody, a Nascar driver drags his battered body the last few inches to the finish line. Someone asks if he's okay.
A purple killer lurks in the darkness. Who knows when he will strike?
An Englishman sits on his couch, watching an all-female production of King Lear on TV. Nearby, a ghost steadfastly refuses to watch.
An evil man demands an evil deed. One can only ask... Why?
It wasn't a splat, or a whack. It was more like a 'Wat.' - a wet whack or a hard splat. It's hard to describe - if only there was a picture!
Nick Nick Nicknick Nicknick Nick Nick Nickeloooodeon (hmmmm)
A smiling rain cloud chucks a lightning bolt at an angry red face on the ground below. Everything is cute, even the lightning bolt.
A pink and purple blob shoots a guy in the eye with a laser that burns his face. He screams in agony.
Kanaya is correcting someone who's wrong. "Yes, yes they do," she says, as she gazes at you disapprovingly.
A tiny tiny man informs the giant that a line had been crossed. A big red line.