Dovahkiin shouting Foot Rows Dog!
Pokemon ruby/sapphire inro screen with the grass and mountains.
This poor little christmas tree got an F on his test... Now his abusive father hits him for that.
A little Lego figure wearing a wig and being amazed by the darkness in front of him.
A Dutch lion smoking weed and drinking booze, like all Dutch people do all the time.
Awesomely drawn psychedelic scorpion.
Mickey mouse screaming in anguish 'cause he's missing his body.
Nananananananananananana bat-tick! Now on your ear!
The ugliest female spartan ever kicking a severely handicapped person in a well
Pyramid head with his giant knife
It's a close up of a dragons' nostrils.
Kurt Cobain jammin' with Jimi Hendrix