Mickey mouse screaming in anguish 'cause he's missing his body.
Nananananananananananana bat-tick! Now on your ear!
The ugliest female spartan ever kicking a severely handicapped person in a well
Pyramid head with his giant knife
It's a close up of a dragons' nostrils.
Kurt Cobain jammin' with Jimi Hendrix
This poor little christmas tree got an F on his test... Now his abusive father hits him for that.
If oshino only did better, said the red-eyed white-haired goth kid.
A little Lego figure wearing a wig and being amazed by the darkness in front of him.
A guy mourning the death of a loved one
A giant worm, about to FIRE HIS LAZOR, aiming at Link from LoZ.
A rainbow-horned dragon inserting a banana into his nose.