"Agh! Whose idea was it to shave my head smack down the middle?"
The poor poor depressed fish swims all alone. Nobody loves him, nobody cares if he lives or dies. What a sad fish.
Seri knows the meaning of life.
Here's the mail, it never fails. It makes me want to wag my tail.When it comes I want to wail Mail!
Yah, yah, that was a bad gassy one.
Don't mind if I do.... oh, and yay aMErica! ahahahaha.
Slender man trying to seduce a Japanese school girl.
The poor goat, He was taxidermied.
My son was turned into a horse, but I use that to my advantage now.
Professor X lost the in-mind Pokemon battle he was playing with Jean.
Your mom.
poop/v = 5