Introducing a new Advice Animal: Generalizing Meme Guy. Actually funnier than most advice animals.
"Richard" being shy
Coming soon to a theater near you... 2500 feet under the surface, NOBODY CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM. Also, fish can't scream. THE OCTOPUS, rated R.
Soviet Picard shoots Santa at the North Pole... "for the motherland".
Squidward wearing Sandy's underwater suit
Monsieur Spider in a beret with a grin on his face
A guy sliding down a pole. Or dancing on it.
Average 4channer harassing someone telling them tits or gtfo
A dead... cockatiel? Jellyfish? Amoeba? Something like that... with lightning sticking out of it.
A man with a small face wondering what to do.
An orange flips off an old apple with a cane and a moustache
A lightbulb and a lightning bolt