Squidward wearing Sandy's underwater suit
Monsieur Spider in a beret with a grin on his face
A guy sliding down a pole. Or dancing on it.
Average 4channer harassing someone telling them tits or gtfo
A dead... cockatiel? Jellyfish? Amoeba? Something like that... with lightning sticking out of it.
A man with a small face wondering what to do.
An orange flips off an old apple with a cane and a moustache
A lightbulb and a lightning bolt
"Richard" being shy
Casual devil janitor, whistling and mopping up the floor
Superman got his arm stuck in Batman's cape again.
Coming soon to a theater near you... 2500 feet under the surface, NOBODY CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM. Also, fish can't scream. THE OCTOPUS, rated R.