One of those guys that walks around all puffed up with his shirt off at the gym. He has a special rock he doesn't want to share.
White school with a blue roof. Whoever painted their sign apparently didn't
Twin green cells (each with a nucleus) in a purple medium, looking across a pink and blue volleyball net.
Sonic the Hedgehog says "oh my god" but it is written in that mispelled way that for some reason children find cool.
That's school in a nutshell!
The brunette girl with big blue eyes and a red shirt is confused.
Loch Ness monster on his birthday
A valentine for "A"
A fellow with green hair and colourful clothing has some kind of reptilian pet. One of them might be named Motonari.
A teenage samurai in blue armour with purple hair, whose mount is some type of blue unicorn/dragon
He has a beer belly and a penchant for
An exclamation from the ghost of James Brown