An eagle is picturing innocent pedestrians as footballs and thinking to itself; I'm an angry football player
A giant squirrel barley fits in his tree
A man ( maybe a poorly dressed Elvis ) is anal raping a dog who is starring at Pinocchio who lied about something
ITS OVER 9,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
an exploding tissue box
peas are scared and one says "it's so dark in here!!!" but there's a light next to them... sooooo
you did not give me a burger
Wha- whats taters precious? Whats taters, eh? PO-TA-TO! You know, boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!
Hallucinating man calls "come at me bro" to a mushroom with a face
A sad man holding a messy heart saying "Really"
Red bull for your bum?