R.I.P "wesester" 2013 - 201?
Striders attack a futuristic city in the background, while a wounded soldier takes his last chance against the striders. (I think they are)
An invisible..thing tries to keep stealth, but blasts through the water, making a huge wave-thing. A man on a boat looks on.
An astronaut finds himself at the end of his life near Olympus Mons, Mars. He is being dragged into the volcano. He yells for help on radio.
MisterDude is about to be gone, Thor. "Mmmmm whatcha say, I know you only meant well cause you did, mmmm whatcha say. What did she sayyyyy?"
An astronaut seems to Instragram his spaceship's explosion in space. NASA likes it, for some reason.
A meteor burns in Wichita's sky. (Wichita is in Kansas)
God's cat accidentally blows up Earth when messing around on God's keyboard.
A girl chokes serialdoodler.
obviously a boy
Catbooger. #swagrowr #Rowr'd #rowr
A satelite, which seems to be Sputnik, nears Uranus. The planet.
A rabbit lays on the Moon.Golden in a suit that she got at the thrift shop for 99 cents and she walks up into the club like what up,I got a