1. 1
  2. 2

    A robotic thing resembling those tall enemies from Half Life 2 attacks Planet Earth.

  3. 3
    Doodle or Die
  4. 4

    Striders attack a futuristic city in the background, while a wounded soldier takes his last chance against the striders. (I think they are)

  5. 5
    Doodle or Die
  6. 6

    A lone survivor is hunted through a ruined city by Half Life style striders

  7. 7
    Doodle or Die
  8. 8

    The resistance stood no chance against the Striders. The earth has become engulfed in flames. And yet, in these ruins, humanity fights on.

  9. 9
    Doodle or Die
  10. 10

    Giant space flea observes the green-suited being crawling from the magma crevice. Ruins of civilization in the background.

  11. 11
    Doodle or Die
    Ghost Player
  12. 12

    On a cold winter night on Mecron-42 there is nothing better then a warm vulcanic bath

  13. 13
    Doodle or Die
  14. 14

    Two figures bathe in the magma pool at the base of a chain of erupting volcanoes. A gentle ashfall blankets the ground.

  15. 15
    Doodle or Die
  16. 16

    2 green creatures on their volcanic home world, taking a bath in a lava pool

  17. 17
    Doodle or Die
  18. 18

    two native martian birds bathe in a pond of red sulfur as they gaze up at their beautiful martian evening sky.

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 11 years ago


  • wesester   11 years ago
    gah, those tall things from half-life 2 were called Striders...
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  • Paxman   11 years ago
    oh, right. yeah.
    Editing your comment:
  • Paxman   11 years ago
    I didn't even know they had a name.
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  • c0urier666   11 years ago
    Paxman, I love your art style.
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  • Paxman   11 years ago
    Thanks, Courier :)
    Editing your comment:
  • DmanBooms   11 years ago
    whoa ishmael. dat step. awesome.
    Editing your comment:
  • Paxman   11 years ago
    Wow, amazing, Ishmael!
    Editing your comment:
  • call me Ishmael   11 years ago
    These new space drawings of yours are so cool Burton John! Conceptually and aesthetically well done!
    Editing your comment:
  • Burton John   11 years ago
    Thanks, Ishmael. I just discovered this group. There is a lot of great work here. Your contribution to this thread is one of the best.
    Editing your comment:
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