Romney lost because he fucking sucks
Sad PewDiePie rips off half of his Dovahkin cosplay because he realizes he's a shitty person who isn't funny at all and can go suck 20 dicks
yellow writing because the person who drew before me is fucking lazy and goes on a drawing game to fuck his dick into that fine mandingo
I-it's not like I wanted you to rescue me from that burning farm or anything, I was j-just too lazy to escape myself... b-baka >.>
Democrips vs Rebloodicans
Vulcan Raven, a young teenager destined to join FOXHOUND, contemplates the history of his inuit heritage and proceeds to slaughter millions.
Charles Martinet flying his F16 in space spots a looming red giant in the distance that's unleashing it's bad rendition of the Fork Tower
Man cracks open a fine melon and drowns in the ensuing flood of juices
Commander Video patiently awaits his next game
Jack Frost makes DmC sequel
Courage the cowardly dog episode
But how do you know it's shit if you haven't tasted it yet?