Courage the cowardly dog episode
But how do you know it's shit if you haven't tasted it yet?
Pacman fucks a trap and realizes that traps are indeed gay, and he likes houses, and wants to suck them all day and is indeed a massive faget
Shrek goes a little ogre the top and becomes a fine looking boot.
Sora takes a new form in the Finding Nemo level of KH3
Romney's 4 year plan
Wario Ware Inc.
Romney lost because he fucking sucks
Purple man traverses dimensions so that he can accrue enough Mars and Mercury energy to summon Ulysses to beat that man Poseidon.
Mr. Mime mounts a bipedal Diglett and sets out on his conquest of the Kanto region. He will be the best. Like NO one EVER was. RIP in peace
Arc job changes to a Dark Knight after Saronia but forgets he can't go to falgabard and is stuck with just a knife until later in the game.
Simon Belmont gets a little too crazy with the cross on stage 4 and manages to take off the boss' entire top half. He names it and buries it