A ying-yang. exotic, but very dangerous
Jake, aspiring urologist, cannot even study his own urine in the privacy of his home. A tragedy.
Man contemplates why his favorite radio show host (who happens to be a fox) is suddenly speaking Spanish
jew who was rocking with his coat out runs for his life after he is ambushed by the second boss chick from Furi
Some dude's fleshlight is jealous of the fucking he just gave the blowup doll.
Slice of Swiss cheese bribes train conductor Jamal with a donut to transport illegal drugs and a few geisha girls to oregan.
artist's rendition of the ending scene from trucker's delight, the one where he fucks the blonde with his newly enlarged nose
black man with black man lips because a headless face decided to be a fucking car by appearing out of thin air.
Dude hangs himself to show the bastards that blasted him to the sun who's boss.
New programming languages, P++ and H++ (probably stands for car++ and HIVpositivepositive because computers are gay, fuck you.)
Dude's about to fuck a cactus. Fucking prick.
Man with deadly spiky hair has a nose trained on a dog's rectum, "buy my art, or the dog gets it!" he exclaims