Bored of the same old cocaine, Harold decides to try snorting pure radiation.
[WARNING] This flower regularly discharges electricity (?)
Napoleon gets insecure about his height while standing next to a tall dude.
The boy opened his lime in excitement, but was disappointed to find that inside of the delicious fruit was only the blood of virgins.
The teacher has had enough of Latasha's shit.
Harold the amputee is confused as to how an ordinary tree trunk has managed to grow a human corpse out of it.
A cabbage cowers in fear, its abusive, rectangular headed owner corners it, with his shadow covering the cabbage.
Satan tries to steal a man's soul, but the man has created a magical barrier to protect himself.
Pikachu comes out of the closet.
A happy little cloud is on a trip to New York City.
The three bears aren't very welcoming to Goldilocks.
A fisherman runs our of bait, so he decides to use a bloody pad instead. The sun watches, horrified.