an incomplete jackolatern. Someone cut the mouth part but didn't remove the chunk... I wonder what would happen if I slipped my finger in...
A pretty lady's eye... oh no thats not it. Its really a purple ladybug looking over the edge of a cliff. Thinking about deep ladybug stuff.
A black man, indian, and asian hide behind a telephone pole as they compare hat size and put racial stereotypes to rest. same lengths
Undead Dragon just wishes to feel the power of incandescent light but this young faith user just wanted Astora's Straight Sword and ran away
Some beta gets his stuff fucked with by Andy Warhol
De^i5 and a crudely drawn bone
Joe Cool McDudeBro smokin' a fat spliff talkin' to some bitch
Moonrunes from Japan
Thing 1 and Thing 2 in a rap battle
Le Epic new Meme from Reddit LOL XD I'd upboat that!
Solid Snake sneaking up on some guards
Generic Blonde Popstar #389