The joker mixed with tom hanks mixed with napoleon dynamite
Poor little girl has got blue donuts in her eyes. She's blushing because she's got blue donuts in her eyes. Poor little girl.
A lonely little man. A lonely little orange man from Jersey Shore asking quite voraciously, "Why aren't you tanner?!"
WOW! a lemon cradling a green goose while secretly injecting acidic formaldehyde through his razor sharp arms!
arrow pointing to the swamp pointing to the tree
Tom Hanks playing his dad's old telecaster, standing next to an elated stick figurine Iron Man, in disbelief of Hanks' green hair.
An apple pumpkin
A telephone that never gets its numbers right. It's also a lemon. Never mind all that. Its a tongue with some numbers on it.
I love Shit, she said. Oh! How wonderful! he said. They got married and moved to Florida.
A lonely, arm-less, legless, unidentified, low self-esteemed, sloppy-haired, Jesus. I guess.
This is Taboo. Do you know how to play? NO YOU DON'T YOU HORRID VAMPIRE YOU.
Purple mush! with a yellow star on his head! asking "What the lurp?" I think its a character from Adventure Time