Woah hey.I suck at drawing but I enjoy trying I suppose?Video games are cool and yeah.
The main Homestuck protagonists in their Trickster forms.
Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff dealing with taxes.
A Pony considers the bright side of things after having its legs broken
A horribly drawn Homestuck panel?
Oliver, a living heart age 24 listens to music on his Ipod
A hick with a gun stares at aliens whilst someone makes out with candy floss
An... octopus with blonde hair?
A Christmas tree being a dirty slut in the shower
SpongeBob really let himself go.
A stick figure offers a mutilated corpse a free kettle.
Dojima from Persona 4 becomes a god and gets confused as to why he made two earths, and doesn't know the plural term.
Ness from Earthbound looking at a thread on 4chan