A guy with a pokerface armed with a powerful weapon.
alien with a pink head, base is a drooping w. the mouth is a vertical line and there appears to be some hair under his head and body
A strawberry + a human torso. A Torsoberry or a Strawtorso. The torso has two conjoined arrows forming an acute angle.
A decapitated grey woman wearing some sort of self-holding dress and a bra. Legs are white. Maybe stockings. Blood is flowing.
Pop-tart cat farting rainbows through space. It appears to be extra-terrestrial. Would go great with some music.
A Pokemon named Mankey that decapitated his fellow brethren. He is dancing around the heads of his kind.
Upside down polar bear with its head underwater. It is crying bloody tears. There is a mountain in the background.
Everything is black. Darkness consumes everything. You cannot flee from it - even if you run, it is too fast. He wants to run, but he can't.
A guy with a thumbs up saying Than KSL Brown eyes, black hair, covers half the screen, nice shading on hair.
The guy that sings that song about being a man in Mulan.
A lonely black dot on a pink backround.
Two men saying NO