It's a really crap drawing which might be a car or a cave system. Just mix it up and draw a spiffing British gentleman.
A black lowercase letter I being raped by black worms.
A blonde woman screams 'PLEASE NO!' but I am unsure whether she is witnessing a murder or about to be raped.
A pink hand points downwards from inside an orange chap's nostril... perhaps some form of Jake the Dog?
A Japanese man who mistakenly dressed as Tails the Fox for Halloween admits how embarrassing this situation is.
A father disappoints his under-loved adopted children once again, by taking them to a sewage lake, instead of the beach, like they wanted.
A black guy with one nipple is the only survivor of a sinking ship
A stoner cat mistaking maple leaves for catnip/weed
The sexiest MoThErFuCkInG troll alive, bro :o)
Gingerbread house in a dark dark place