I've begun to contemplate how so many people on this website are ridiculously childish.
A woman with terrible fashion sense attempting to make sense of a floating green object.
two brodudehams laughing at a little girl with her presentation for show and tell
someone at taco bell needs to learn how to make a fucking taco
elvis realizes he is in america and can only speak in german
A racist white kid feels threatened by a group of bald black people.
A snazzy gentleman in a tophat trapped inside a picture frame in a funeral.
This cat isn't taking any of your shit today, mister.
Three gnomes have finally escaped their dirt prison. They're free! FREEEEE!!!
pacman has sprouted a body and is screaming at his computer
the all-knowing flesh-colored cloud has declared that you are, in fact, farting now
a cowboy hat being carried away by sentient spaghetti people with wheels for legs
a two-meat pizza says a solemn goodbye to earth as it floats into the depths of space, never to be seen again