Something stupid on a piece of paper gets an F with a "see me" note from the teacher.
A deformed penis hand
Scrooge McDuck admires himself in the mirror.
A dead beaver with twig legs. It could also be a bug or something. It's tail has orange lines on it.
Sonic plays basketball with the harlem globe trotters while gentlmen watch. They are all laughing.
A giant evil flying dollar from space is about to crash into the earth.
An unhappy plant grows black flower hands when it is re-potted in a garbage can by a dark stranger.
happy dude says what
Classic Jackson Pollock
:D , :>, and :D are having a party
An albino hedgehog sits in a pitch black room. He has the word "Nope" tattooed on him.
A kid is alarmed after stumbling across a hermaphrodite sunbathing nude on the beach