my art is much better than this, trust me
Solaire of Astora
marshmallow thinks pennies are worthless
lumpy faceless creature tries to poop. it has no butt, and it must poop
a ghost is in love with a red, orange, and yellow ball of yarn. they are in space.
pink gummy bear with noodle arms working out
little tiny man is chained up to a ball that is the size of his head, the room is dusty
worms at the beach
woman throws her wife off of a boat and in to the sea, where a shark awaits with its jaws wide open
a noseless, mouthless, earless, and hairless man thinks about a tomato. he has no arms
crocodile man with an elongated snout eats a flower
invisible dog peeing in the snow. it has a red scarf
melted marshmallow peep is in love with a rock with little beady eyes and fangs