red and blue living cotton candy. The blue one is crying while the red on looks angrily at it.
Barney the dinosaur wearing a backward yellow cap with a shank in his hand, by a pot plant. He is smoking weed and has red eyes from it.
A person has a shirt that says stump on it. They look worried. There is green scribble of size 10 all over him.
A giant blonde girl with a blue dress sitting on a green mountain with snow on top. There is a thunderstorm raging in the background.
F1 Chocolate bar
Big Bird is in love with a kid with a yellow beanie with an orange rim
SuperMan about to eat a cup of beans
A happy chunk of tofu
A rainbow fish Kite being flown by a happy boy
Captain Kirk VS Darth Vader in a light saber battle while Picard is shanking a power ranger
A stick man says What the?
Someone grossed out by a man with a green eye