a person remembers their horrendous past
a large, prolapsed anus pinches off a hyper-realistic, super detailed yellow turd. the sheer beauty brings tears to one's eyes.
jesus vs a hat crucifix
a rhino is sad that it is going to be sliced in half. a single blade of grass observes silently
a furbie has a plant growing from its brain
a knight fights a hoard of naked firebreathing people
a one-eyed man weeps as he observes a floating hologram of a decapitated head with a cleaver sticking out of it
spongebob squarepants gives the bedroom eyes to an unimpressed rhino while laying spread-eagled on a big red cushion
pacman has serious issues
a man asks his friend what it is like to be a single parent. the friend bluntly expresses their revulsion at having to feed a small infant
jafar likes to watch jasmine when she's alone
David Bowie weeps