I'm here to doodle and then die.
Master hand versus Star and Fox with a vacuum.
A wrinkly egg with gray hair yells at Hatsune Miku.
A purple octopus-alien with moose horns and hairy tentacles.
Overly enthusiastic guy is held up by a kid with a mohawk.
A blonde person with long noodly arms walks into a postbox while singing.
Businessmen rarely take care of babies. Their inexperience in handling them is plain to see.
Blue and pink sparkles erupting from a palm.
Blue tadpole with sunglasses.
A suspicious poliwag.
Pac-man and the blue ghost forgot to shower, while the pink ghost looks on. Next to them, a box with illegible text.
A delighted man showing off their third leg.
A cat-mouse hybrid is mildly confused and upset.