White,green faced aliens with pink claws,yellow teeth and lumps on their head hold a rock.The one sitting down has 2 eyes,standing one has 3
a relived bull/dog hybrid
person with pink eyes and a crumpled face cries
A guy finds a futility machine:he turns it on, only for it to turn itself off. He looks at it,disappointed. It's a bit like me playing this.
Jaws poster, but instead of 'Jaws' it says 'Very Hungry Shark Swallows PEOPLE WHOLE'
a blind man can't find the National Bank of Milk
someone's bubblegum bubble pops, he gets sworn at
Evil and shiny red button. 'Press me' is written under it.
A person called Jeuova and a woman called Judie Pear talk about a big green blob
Grey person with a red nose is suprised by something
Stick man with little eyes puts his hand in his giant mouth
Evil misshapen chin dude