Toad loves Peach, but she has eyes for another!
"Oh Fuck" cried the banana peel as his arch nemesis, Conversear, approached. Conversear, to his credit, was sporting fresh new laces.
Jiggle Butts the Magical Poni wants to go on adventures, but can't fit through her own front door.
This drawing is udder madness.
Training to become a Z Fighter is hard!
The Hulk, having been slain in glorious battle, ascends to the heavens, though the expression on his face tells you he'll be back.
Pinocchio tries to use a fake ID
The Original Brown Box (c)
Three Jawas sit near a lake of acid and contemplate the point of a universe where the top 1% have 99% of the force powers.
Ice Cube played by an ice cube.
Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru's house if Tatooine had Hoth's weather.
A duck frozen in a glacier.