There is a man that needs to shave, he is sticking his tongue out in disgust and thinking "now it does"
A man eating cereal off of a tilted table.
packman has finally grown a body and is spanking an old man.
pictures of stick men, one's of a person being happy about the sun, the other is of a person doing the Egyptian walk while playing soft ball
dog memories
Bride and groom are unhappily walking away from woman holding baby
"Anarctican leg day" is when three blue people gather. One blue man is gesturing towards an old man and saying "not letting u mis dis"
I like big furry butts and I can not die
off with the ducks head!
It's a very nice day, so jerry the mouse decides it's time to eat his worst enemy, tom.
humpty-dumpty is being asked where blurpl is by a salt shaker with a pointy yellow hat
Why use pokemon? shank a bitch, says Ash as he stabs the man with the purple shirt