Having slain Morgana along with the other knights and Merlin. Arthur decided to open a pizza parlor
feminist skeleton
Jill is having a hard time adjusting to her medication. With her face flushed and nostrils wide opened, she stares straight into your soul.
blue/green/brown colour shooting man to the rescue!
A duck walks into a bar...
abe lincoln on a beach
a bored twelve year old with nothing to do.
Thor is trying to kiss Loki. I wonder if he knows that they're not actually brothers?
a stunningly beautiful portrait of a blue and gray cliffs by the shore with some writing on them
a bleeding thumb with a thimble
Skeleton jack is pleased tonight, doubtless because of his invitation to the ball
Livia is hanging up the christmas decoration. She's having a hard time though. Seems she's falling on the stairs.