hahaha look at this funny guy contributing absofuckinglutely nothing to Doodle or Die what an anomaly
It's a shark with laser eyes and robot fins but not the dorsal fin that's 100% organic baby
A pink dude goes to McDonald's or something and his right limbs are broken
A Homestuck guy complaining about how his blog doesn't have any followers.
Soviet robot dinosaur is angry at something.
The artist is tired of drawing butts and gave me a depressed Layton but I think he is depressed from not enough butts so YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO
Seth McFarlane channeling his inner pedophile to create another horrible character for another terrible show
Do Humans Dream of Electric Snake (The Game)
It's an old meme Banana Phone isn't funny or relevant
It's.... Kanaya. Flipping you off. And she looks like a dude.
Cancer is apparently funny. Who knew.
That is one kawaii ass mother fucker