I derp at english. But I love drawing pokemanz and playing TF2. So yeaaah. Here, have some free bacon.
Pikachu is plotting onyx death staring ar him while it takes a shower.
Draw yourself with your favourite Pokemon. Pass it on.
Oh my god. The true form of Digglet is so cute.
Draw yourself as a pokemon that is similar to you. Pass it on.
Thats one lewd and sexy Bidoof eating icecream.
Eevee go home, you are drunk.
Brock wants to know Haunter's flavour so he is licking one. Haunter seems quite disturbed. Poor thing.
Draw yourself with your favourite pokemon. Pass it on.
Draw yout favorite starter. (Pass it on!)
Pikachu Cosplay Bar. A man dressed in a pikachu costume flirts with the waitress. She wears a pikachu hoodie.
Awwwn Lillygant asks you to stop drawing porn on DoD. So cute.
Misigno. turns into a (?) sprite.