A brown triangle with a slice of pizza on the top.
A worm with arms and legs who is wearing a purple bandana around its neck shouts out the word "Faaabuloous!!"
An old person shops at a store labelled "W-Mart" Above that the word "Torture" is crossed out. There are aisles with different colored dots.
Someone with two heads is very angry. They scream "I cannot do that!" There are blue and green scribbles as well...
The Geico Gecko trying to sell car insurance to an angry potato.
An octopus with... Three... Legs.......? SO CONFUSED. xc
An angry man (looks like Y U NO guy) is sitting playing a video game in which someone holds out a bouquet of balloons to a shrugging person.
Someone got angry and refused to draw what they were told. Perhaps they got punished afterward. Bad person. Bad. -squirts them with water-
An adorable blue blob is waving.
A bunch of colorful lines...
An incredibly hip cucumber with a goatee and shades.
Someone has used a catapult to throw a giant cluster of rocks at an innocent dead person.