a blonde furfag is running after sephiroth
A gigantic black coat with blue veins is being lifted by 4 shadow demon wards, while trying to throw two coats at a trash can
Call of Souls : Dark Warfighter
Gwyn hurls the chosen undead into a chasm. They scream at each other in spanish in the meantime.
Nito makes a cameo appearence in South Park
George R.R. Martin writes a Naruto episode
some retarded reddit man uses unfunny memes
A group of gangster cowboys composed by a big asian , a fat humanoid cat , a stoner and a badass-looking girl with a scar on her left eye
Solaire plants the WW2 Japanese flag on the Moon
A doctor injecting Qelana's servant with a huge syringe
The banner you have to raise in order to get taken to the Undead Settlement now has "I just died to pinwheel" written on it
A knight with a star drawn in his armor wearing a Mario hat smoking weed