All the planets of our solar system gather together for a group therapy session with the number one therapist in the galaxy, the Sun.
Sanic frowning because he is forever doomed to be drawn in a less than mediocre manner.
A completely burnt piece of toast wears red lipstick and smiles.
Mr. Sandman uses his badass scythe to steal the soul from a poor unsuspecting yellow bell.
Alien getting his groove on like a boss at a disco.
Red angry bird ATTACK
Evil grinning black woman with red snake eyes and a green hair wrap says "I <3 FACTS"
Ninja turtle won't take your shit.
A happy mentally-handicapped man in a gray shirt with red pants throws hamburgers while he rides a giant brown anteater that is eating ants.
USA citizens only speak Merka apparently.
Poor depressed tree is having its period and is worried because its book died.
Monopoly guy drank too much and is about to spill the rest of his mug of Absolut.