Patchy hates the doge meme as much as I do
Sukuna is going to make a very rare pepe
Sekibanki didn't realise there was a group photo, so she got a bit a-head of herself trying to get in on time
HAT WAR!!!! Sukuna seems to have forgotten her bowl is breakable, and Suwacko's hat is, quite frankly, alarmed.
Genji loves how peaceful the jurassic era was. However, it seems dinosaurs are beginning to discover danmaku...
Komachi love you
Kogasa being lonely. Her umbrella cannot stop the rain of her tears.
Sunny Milk selling her sunny milk
Remi whacks Sekibanki's head for getting the date wrong??
Bulbasaur use Kappa "Extending Arm"!!!
Chen photobombs Reimu's selfy
Remilia struggles to escape her sister