A butt that is grievously wounded, due to the state of an industry that favors a product that is not their preference.
Walawee-gee snorting coke.
Dorito pope's MTN DEW familiar assails sonic da heghod
A vaguely antropomorphic beetle with fat red lips.
Gaben loses le dose in Equestria which has seen a surge in immigrants from Brasil and MSPA is being read
Draw a dark-souls knight stabbing Gwenthyhth with his dick
Transient alien complains he has eaten too much of another cat-eating-person-P.O.S.-alien that had a tv series (Fuck Alf it's gay)
A red and white orb eats yellow vermin.
An abstract piece. It focuses on a color palette choice many may not respect- attempting to infuse ideas of "regality" and "nature". Addict.
Pikachu is bleeding out and voiding his bowels since he's dying (dying red, tye-dying red)
The flag of a very nice, proud (alcoholic) people. Spoilers: It's Finland. Not Brazil. Don't even fucking dare draw that flag instead.
"Fez" in a nutshell. Sounds like "Harry Potter".