Micheal Jackson lost his legs in his sleep and grew a bubble butt. He is confused why it happened.
Germany is the gayest country in the world. Italy watches.
A human shits in the woods while a bear watches, rather disturbed. Wait, isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
Eggs and a chick are sprawled about the floor. An egg in the corner plots to kill his brothers by sending them to a frying pan.
*tableflip* I hate doodling!
Nepeta is high off of shrooms.
A horribly abused box teaches a younger box that his scars are "the scars of a true king". The younger box is enticed.
Shrugging man. He looks mildly dismayed.
a shedding lizard molting lava as well has no idea what is happening to him. first time, eh bud?
gorilla marries banana
Do you remem8er me????????