Satan eating a polo mint
The 7up Cool Spot has a massive shit-eating grin
Deadpool is in love with catwoman
Something that I can't describe with only 140 characters. Draw your most beloved dinosaur
Guy with only 3 hairs stands behind sofa, says "Awww shit, Nigga" while bearded guy with an inhaler sits on the sofa. They're watching TV
Girl with a fucked up neck leers creepily at you
A boy and a girl happily sharing bubblegum. The girl says 'Thanks'
This dude has popped a zit and rainbows are flying out of it
An orange snake jumping out of a pumpkin to attack a surprised man
A man and his best friend smiling together. His best friend is a crab
Guy with a jackhammer
Guy falling from the sky so fast his tongue is lolling out and his eyes are streaming