The Soldier has no idea how to juggle.
The Pyro sucking a finger.
The Engineer telling the Pyro a story.
Medic insults Spy, and afterwards the Spy considers why he's alive.
Engineer as Chucky(?) is about to brutally murder the Spy as an ant.
A Bee fapping to a donut Scout
A man named "Willy" running down the street while Heavy chases him with a Sandvich.
Scout having a steak dinner with Sasha.
A lonely sandvich
A Sandvich having sex with a can of BONK! (Yeah, I don't know either.)
The Blue Spy astonded by a paradox, of him holding a picture of him holding THAT SAME picture, etc., while Red Sniper is about to H-Shot him
The RED team having a dinner party. With wine.