Nitoux, le grand Gravelordeux does not approve of his apprentices Gwyndolin's painting. It's shit.
4 Knights of Gwyn took some hard drugs, Ciaran and Gough are high as kites, Artorias is all wolf and shit,Ornstein waits for the kick-in.
Blowdart sniper feeling bad for injecting toxin into chosen udead-san body.
Frampt got a mail, Gee I wonder what could be inside, it smells bad.
Elite Knight is damn mad at Bort Sampsun
What if Gaping dragon was wearing braces
Tour de Lordran, biggest racing event in the land of Lords
Taking a sippy while Nito is about to stab your shit was not a good idea
Fuhreh pinwheel saluting. 3rd reich of skellys is marching for war.
Sif puppy
How did Gough get blind?
Crestfallen warrior is depressed as fuck. His only weakness seems to be joy.