someone is stepping on legos! it is a rather Unpleasant experience. :u
someone is "like a singer or something". the artist isn't very sUre of himself. :u
blue haired man and pUrple haired woman from the hUman pokemon anime ignore the rUles set in soccer and Use their hands! :u
uu is finally cleaning Up his mess. if only this were trUe! :u
draw my brother picking Up his stUff. if he sees it he may actUally do it! ouo
i believe it is the pictUre that the prince of heart made for my 'brother'. it is a hUman boy and a baby.
uu is cleaning Up his act. qUite literally, i might add! ^u^
it is a medic pigeon. he is holding a mirror. it's adorable! ^u^
it is dirk and his gUardian! it is rather sketchy. :u
a hUman woman is naked and calls her son a cUnt. i believe that is a bad word. :u
it is an adorable little seal. he is angry thoUgh! :u
uu cleaning Up his mess. :u