Poor Irish immigrant can afford hats and arrows through the chest, but cannot afford a nose, three denominational body, ears, hair, or feet.
A very large Russian man complains about how a member of his company spells the word "Sandwich"
2 chainz
Will you go out with me?
Some random slut without pants and has a beard is extremely sexually greeting you. How do you respond?
Cpt. boner's epic drawing of a wimmin in fishnets being called a dumb person.
A yellow canoe, with brown at each end, sits in a sea of solid white, waiting for the end of the world.
Some odd frog, a blue rabbit (?), and Jack the Ripper all converse of their favorite sitting vessils.
Link stands under a low hanging branch and asks himself "U I?", and promptly grows a beard.
Dr. Pepper Anne gets her daily rectal computer check up.
Telekinetic vampire is sucking a woman's blood away as she stares at his horrible hair cut.
Hitler riding a bear into space to return to Stalin who has freshly baked moon cookies waiting for them.