The news today is this french guy with no eyes is creeping us out. Back to you, tom!
Parappa's pimp brother, Pasmacka the Smacker
A blue thing with a white belly is yelling at a vampire.
Chespin is angry because Porygon won't let him have his Happy Meal
The mice are taking over and are telling you to leave.
Grammar is the death of the world
Pac-man dying.
An unimpressed wolf. Make it colorful.
A 12-year old bandit named Angus lives in the forest with his wolverine, Carnivore.
You gotta be original, bro. You can't just take a starfish and an owl, slap them together, put stuff on the thing's head and call it a frog.
A bee is looking at a picture of a man peeing. He seems to like it.
A candle made of wax that becomes red when melted.