Mmmm lemonade, sweet sweet lemonade
I'm sooo mad I'm blue in the face!
Moulder's poster from the X Files ("I want to believe")
i think someone may have posted about space-hitler + mahjong again... either way, it's a nazi poo.
a man watching tv... or is the tv watching him?
i wonder what happens if I put my finger in the hair dryer?
two gir... nope. Some icecream, some chocolate icecream in one cup. two scoops, one cup. ;))
a bald women's rights activist who has a neck soo long that it reaches structural collapse
a rocket about to blast off into space to meet our newly found extraterrestrial friends, whom have a gift for us.
i like trains
pikachu has had too much cake
two grapefruit, two plums and an apricot.