Cucumber with top hat, monocle and bow tie. Possibly a cousin of the similarily attired peanut mascot.
The entire Homestuck debacle gets what is coming to it.
Close-up of some finger.
"We president now" says demon-possessed yokel charicature.
A game console made "classier" by the addition of a bowler hat, mustache, monocle and the phrase "I do say".
Anthropomorphic condom wearing a red scarf clinging to a column of snow.
Rocking horse is not in the mood.
Pizza with pepperoni and big tomato slices.
Stickmen on green islets in a sea, grey wires stretched between them.
Dachshund with golden arches on its midsection claims that McDonald's sucks.
Clown goes "hoo hoo ~ NO!"
Fat gnome dressed in red holding wand with golden star of David on the tip.