i haven't used my tablet in forever i'm trash
looks like someone got an extra hour in the ballpit
a $46,200 present. a little girl in a pink dress thinks it's a barbie. it probably isn't
new! from breyer's! chocolate surprise! who knows what you're in for, but there is one we do know: this shit's delicious!(TM)
4chan VS tumblr! who will be left standing? the whiny neckbeards? or the whiny fangirls? when WILL their moms pick them up from daycare?!
a guy wearing a teal shirt, green scarf, sweatpants, and sandals. don't forget his stylin' moustache and gauged earlobes
a man reflects on a chance encounter. "he was unlike anyone i'd seen around here.. yeah, he had a helmet on but i knew he was staring at me"
kenny from south park throwing up black ooze
a beardy king with a red cross on his crown smiles in his kitchen. it is a nice kitchen.
two stickmen standing over a river of blood. one stickman smiles slyly at the other. the other is not amused, and probably disappointed.
a pizza is flattered by a valentines day card
a broken arrow
draw your cat and include: facts abt him (age, name, etc), how much you love him. if you have a dog burn in hell