Do you really think I asked for a twelve inch pianist?
Three orange blobs reach for the last black french fry. One of the blobs is wearing a pink beret.
Occupy Moon
Start with stick figures and keep practising. You'll get better!
Mr Potato Head is an abusive husband. He's pulled off Mrs Potato Head's arm and is threatening her, telling her to get in the kitchen.
Slinky Dog running so fast his ears are flapping in the wind!
In the future all national flags will feature topless women.
Monochromatic fireworks
A rage comic meme man disapproves of something on his computer. His hands and arms are growing out of his upper lip.
Dead clown with curly orange hair and fangs.
Two figures angrily swear and yell at each other during a grayscale sunset. One of them points at a black house & windmill.
Two guys yelling "Fuck yeah" at the burrito that has come between them.