a cold shooting star in space
blob shark with circle teeth
the top half of harry potter's head is excited about a colorless pokeball. Next to him is an angry mane of hair thinking about a green face
faceless girl with flowing blonde hair and a short white dress and red legs
a face with an amazing curl of brown hair wearing glasses that say "cool" on them
a clown riding a speedboat down a river on the internet
demented looking blue bird with teeth
happy blond girl with green skin and a purple dress loses an eye when she got hit in the face by broken glass with a heart on it
really sad fox child being stared at by 3 disapproving rock star bananas in a grey puddle
man is alarmed when he threw his remote at the screen and it cracks
classic car insurance commercial
Dumbledore dreams negatively about females while the grim reaper stands next to his bed and watches him sleep