A child is crying after his childhood has been destroyed by the oiniony goodness that is shrek is love shrek is life.
A yellow fish is mad that people think he is pacman
This worm is a true gentlemen...
Hitler was a Merman (Seriously, Silly Mermen, What is this shit!)
Smile Sweetie!
Hoo Ps Hi Mum! And Lilith, And People, Is this Enough Letters yet?
Fly about to be swatted out the sky, Despite only trying to get to fly school, you monster how could you!
Extremely hip rapper trapped in bubble regretting his decisions after smoking a joint
Pacman is confused
"Well this is concerning" the doctor said as he helped the women give birth to the demon from that one time in band camp
Giant Grey/Gray thing "Hi Lilith" Pass it on
A donut with pink sprinkles